The Benefits of an Onboarding Buddy Program

A well-designed onboarding process is crucial for setting new hires up for success and helping them quickly become productive members of the team. However, the onboarding experience often goes beyond just completing paperwork and training sessions. It's also about making new employees feel welcomed, supported, and integrated into the company culture. This is where an onboarding buddy program can be an invaluable asset.

By pairing new hires with experienced employees who serve as friendly guides and mentors, companies can create a more personalized and engaging onboarding experience. An onboarding buddy program not only provides new hires with a dedicated resource to answer questions and offer advice but also fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie right from the start.

In this blog, we’ll be exploring the onboarding buddy process from start to finish. Let’s get started by walking through the process of creating your onboarding buddy program.

Creating an Onboarding Buddy Program:

As with any new process, creating an onboarding buddy program begins by defining the roles, responsibilities and ultimate goal of the program.

Define the roles and responsibilities of an onboarding buddy and document them

  • Onboarding buddies will act as the main point of contact and go-to resource for the new hire

  • The aim is to create a welcoming environment and make the new hire feel welcomed

  • They help to explain company culture, values, norms, etc.

  • They provide an insider's perspective on how things work at the company

  • They can answer any questions the new hire has about policies, procedures, systems, etc or guide them to the appropriate resource as needed.

Select and train onboarding buddies

  • Using the roles and responsibilities that you have defined, select a few candidates to train as onboarding buddies

  • Onboarding buddies should be reliable, professional, and a positive team player, and someone motivated to help new hires get acclimated

  • Set clear expectations and guidelines for the program so your onboarding buddy knows how to be successful, particularly in the early stages of the program. There should be measurable goals associated with the onboarding buddy program that guide onboarding buddies and new hires along their journey together.

The Importance of Onboarding Buddies

Onboarding buddies play a crucial role in the integration of new hires. They serve as a friendly face and support system, helping new hires to navigate the company culture and norms. By answering questions and addressing concerns, they ensure that new hires have all the information they need to succeed in their new roles. Furthermore, onboarding buddies facilitate social integration and build connections, which can significantly improve employee engagement and retention. According to a study by G2, 47% of businesses use the buddy system to help new employees settle in. Another Zavvy survey found that 87% of companies report that onboarding buddy or mentor programs can speed up new hire proficiency.

The benefits can go both ways. Let’s take a look at some of the positive ways onboarding programs can impact your team.

Benefits for New Hires:

  • Smoother transition into the company

  • Faster ramp-up and productivity

  • Increased confidence and reduced anxiety

  • Better understanding of the company's values, practices and goals

  • According to the same G2 study, 91% of employees who get company culture training feel connected to their workplace.

Benefits for Onboarding Buddies:

  • Opportunity for personal and professional growth

  • Developing leadership and mentoring skills

  • Increased job satisfaction and engagement

  • Recognition for their contributions

Best Practices and Tips:

Once an onboarding buddy program is in place, it is important to keep momentum alive and flourishing by revisiting and refreshing the program as your team and company grows. Some best practices for maintaining an effective onboarding buddy program include:

  • Encouraging open communication and feedback

  • Providing resources and support for onboarding buddies

  • Monitoring and evaluating the program's effectiveness

  • Celebrating success stories and sharing testimonials


An onboarding buddy program is a powerful strategy to welcome new hires, speed up their acclimation process, and foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie from the outset. By pairing new hires with experienced employees, companies can create a more personalized and engaging onboarding experience that goes beyond the basics of training and administration.

If you haven't yet implemented an onboarding buddy program in your organization, we highly encourage you to do so. For those who already have a program in place, consider the strategies and best practices we've outlined to further enhance its effectiveness. Remember, the goal of an onboarding buddy program is not just to help new hires adjust to their new roles, but also to make them feel valued and supported as they navigate their new environment.

We thank you for joining us as we explore the benefits of creating and maintaining an onboarding buddy program. If you're interested in setting up an onboarding buddy program at your organization and want to brainstorm what this could look like for your team, HENSLEE is here to help! Contact us here!


How to build an onboarding buddy program -Pyn

How to build an onboarding buddy program (that people like!) - Pyn

Every New Employee Needs an Onboarding “Buddy” - Harvard Business Review

50+ Employee Onboarding Statistics You Must Know in 2024 - G2

65 Employee Onboarding Statistics HR Managers Need to Know in 2024 - Zavvy


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