Understanding the Employee Lifecycle

At HENSLEE, we’re passionate about providing thoughtful and intentional support for your business✨. We work closely with your company through each level of the employee lifecycle - attraction, recruitment, onboarding, development, retention, and separation

HENSLEE is there with you from the moment you begin a new hire search to the day an employee’s time with you comes to an end!

Here we dive into each stage of the lifecycle, and highlight how HENSLEE ensures you receive specialized care - tailored to your organization’s needs 🧡📊

Stage 1: ATTRACT

This stage prioritizes attracting new employees through company branding, referrals, and talent acquisition software 📈.

A couple of critical questions to consider at the Attraction level are, what drives a potential employee to work with your company and how do your brand and mission stand out to applicants?

HENSLEE helps you develop a strategy that ensures success in all aspects of the Attraction stage.



Locating and securing the ideal candidate.

At this stage, you’ll have several applications to filter through because of all the solid work you did during the Attraction phase. The Recruitment stage is the first time you make contact with a candidate, and it is a highly inspiring time 🤩!

A concise and organized interview plan is an essential part of the Recruitment stage and includes detailed interview questions, an interview panel, and a system for scheduling your interviews.

HENSLEE works closely with you to develop a thoughtful interview strategy that ensures you are well prepared for the process.



In the previous step, Recruitment, you had the opportunity to hire new talent. Onboarding is when you start introducing these folks to the team, company, and culture. At this time, they learn about company policies, best practices, company benefits, and more 👍!

With all of the changes and new information, onboarding is an exciting time, but can also feel a little overwhelming 😅. HENSLEE can customize an Onboarding process that minimizes first day jitters and lets your new teammate feel immediately welcome using tools and systems that set both you and your newbie up for success 🙌!




Following Onboarding, this stage focuses on nurturing and boosting your fantastic team to its fullest potential. Employee training, performance management, learning & development programs, and employee relations are all included in this important stage.

Some practical questions to think about are 🤔-
How do you keep your team engaged?
How do you plan for routine or unexpected training needs?
How do you resolve workplace disagreements?

The Development stage is a wonderful time to foster the growth of your team🌲.



Once you have your employee onboarded, we reach the all important stage of Retention. This stage includes company culture, DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging), recognition, ethics & compliance, as well as compensation philosophy and management training.

The benefits of boosting Retention rates are obvious, but this stage can also impact your total company vision. Here we see a boost in company values. We foster relationships between employees and the management team. We help foster a community of belonging and success across the board.

Retention efforts can set you apart from other companies for both your current staff and the potential customers, businesses and future employees. 🙌




Finally we come to the last step in the employee lifecycle, Separation. Though this may seem like the most daunting step, Separation holds the opportunity to guide employee growth and change, encourage feedback and set the stage for your future hiring efforts.

HENSLEE can assist you during the Separation stage by setting up your exit process, your exit interviews and organization for next steps. Employee Separations do not need to be difficult or uncomfortable. We’re here to guide the way to a successful, mutually beneficial transition. 🤝




Get to know: LEE TURNER