Put simply, values are the foundation of a company and its existence. They’re rooted in all the decisions made in a company, and drive behavior and team performance. In this way, they create cohesiveness and connection amongst team members, encouraging employees to pursue a shared vision and goal. Essentially, values should represent how a company operates, behaves, and interacts daily, both internally and externally.

Because values are unique to a brand, they can help differentiate a company from its competitors. Additionally, values can attract prospective employees who share aligned beliefs, further fostering a collaborative culture. And they help to mold the brand as well as the employee experience ⚡️!

The HENSLEE team constructed our values over several weeks. We wanted our values to convey accountability, inclusion, flexibility and fun. We began with a few exercises and came up with our four phrases, then paired each with a logo, an emoji and a movement. For HENSLEE, values are not just a fun insight to share on social media. We operate by our values. We repeat them when we meet together and consider them before making any and all decisions.

Do what you say you’ll do ⚖️

Keep it wavy 🌊

Lead with heart 💓

Make space and elevate 🙌🏽

Learn more about each value below!


Do What You Say You’ll Do

“Do what you say you’ll do” is about integrity, transparency, and accountability. Word is bond, and we strongly believe in the importance of operating from a place of trust and follow-through. We cherish genuineness and honesty, and we ensure the embodiment of these qualities when working with clients, as well as when working internally as a team 💫.

The emoji for “Do what you say you’ll do” is ⚖️ and the motion is opening up your hands, palms up.


Lead With Heart

“Lead with heart” is symbolic of showing empathy to others. We’re an organization that strongly believes in empathy and practicing compassion internally and with our clients. And, being an HR and People operations-based company, practicing intentional kindness and respect is of the utmost importance ✨.

For “Lead with heart”, we chose the motion of bringing the index fingers together and the thumbs together to form the shape of a heart. And, of course, our emoji is 💓.


Keep It Wavy

“Keep it wavy” is all about embracing the ebb and flow of daily (work) life, and welcoming curiosity, play, and joy. It was important for us at HENSLEE to create a value acknowledging that it’s okay if our days don’t go as planned. We love checking those boxes but we also know that if a box goes unchecked we are still competent and valuable. There is creativity and beauty in the unexpected, and making space for exploration and play in the workplace is something that we are all about 🧡!

Our motion for “Keep it wavy” is moving our hand and fingers in a roll/wave action, bringing all five fingers down in front of the palm and then curving them back upwards, and the emoji is 🌊.


Make Space and Elevate

“Make space and elevate” is a value that embodies practicing diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as, holding space for others. We retain a high regard for treating all humans equally regardless of gender, national origin, age, identity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or any other self-identified characteristic 💫.

As an organization, we foster an environment of safety, allowing space to be held internally and externally, with our clients. We believe that giving space to one another enables individuals to show up as their full selves, and gives reassurance that they are supported 🥰.

Our motion for “Make space and elevate” is bringing both arms above our head and pushing our hands up- similar to “raising the roof” 😉 . And our emoji is 🙌 .


Thank you for taking the time to learn more about HENSLEE’s values. We look forward to sharing more about our operations and what makes HENSLEE survive and thrive in the following blogs. Keep it wavy, everyone! 🌊


Neurodiversity in the Workplace


Understanding the Employee Lifecycle