Get to know: Meghan Esch

Meghan Esch (she/her) is a Project Manager with HENSLEE, happily based in Beaverton, Oregon occupying Atfalati and Kalapuya land.

Outside of work, you can find Meghan hiking in the grandeur of the Pacific Northwest. When stuck indoors, she focuses on the arts through painting, drawing, playing music, watching movies and curating an ever growing record collection.

What is your favorite food?

Pretty much any type of Asian dumpling.

What is your favorite season?

My favorite season is fall. I love being outdoors as the weather starts to cool down and the leaves change. I love Halloween, and having an excuse to watch scary movies every day. Add to that the start of baking/soup season, and nothing compares. It’s always been a comforting time of year for me.

What's the most inspiring part of your job?

Easily, the most inspiring part of my job is the people. I’m constantly learning and being inspired by my teammates. I have never been in a situation where my growth as a collaborator was more supported, and my aspirations and goals seemed more attainable. I am constantly being reminded of how lucky I am to be working with this team.

Which HENSLEE value do you connect with most, and why?

“Do what you say you’ll do”

This value resonates with me because it requires accountability. Good intentions only go so far, but following through on your word is evidence that you mean what you say and that you don't make empty promises.


Managing a Flexible PTO Policy


Get to know: Rachel McKnight